
ADMISSION to all grades will be on the basis of an application, interview, academic assessment and previous educational experience. An application fee of $300 must accompany all applications.

STUDENT QUALIFICATIONS for admission include successful completion of elementary and middle School in a Yeshiva / Jewish day school environment, along with a demonstrated competency in the Judaic and general education content and skills that may be expected from graduates of Yeshiva / Jewish day school. Students who have not attended Yeshiva/Jewish day school may be admitted if they can demonstrate comparable skills and competencies, or if the administration believes that they will be able to rapidly acclimate and attain such skill levels as are needed to succeed in YMC. Applicants must also demonstrate an appreciation for and an allegiance to Orthodox Jewish observance.

TUITION for the 2019-2020 school year is $17,000. As part of our commitment to sound business practices and fiscal responsibility, we have contracted with the FACTS Management Company to manage our tuition payment plan. FACTS is a tuition service with excellent credentials and references, including many Yeshivot and private schools in Maryland. Families may pay their tuition obligation in advance directly to the school, or may budget monthly payments through FACTS. The school will not directly accept monthly tuition payments by any method.

ACCEPTED STUDENTS must complete an Enrollment Agreement and sign up for a FACTS account (or pay the annual tuition in full). The FACTS management fee (currently $43 per family) and a non-refundable deposit of 10% of the annual tuition will be assessed through FACTS as part of the sign up process.

NEEDS-BASED FINANCIAL AID for families is available. Families applying for financial aid must complete an application (on-line at the  FACTS website) and upload their completed 2018 tax return. All materials, including tax returns, must be submitted no later than March 15, 2019. Late financial aid applications may not be reviewed. Once financial aid awards are determined, appropriate adjustments will be made to the FACTS tuition payment plan. Should agreement not be reached between the family and the school within ten (10) days of award notification, the Enrollment Agreement shall be null and void and the deposit refunded in full.

YMC DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE on the basis of race, color, ethnic or national origin. YMC is open to all Jewish children, as defined by Halacha. YMC is not equipped to accommodate those students who demonstrate severe grade-level deficiencies or severe behavioral problems. We will assist in referrals for alternate school placements.